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Planning Appeal Success!

We are over the moon to have recently won an appeal and secured planning permission for alterations and a rear extension to a house in Bath.

Having reviewed the Council’s original decision, we disagreed with the local planning authority’s assessment of the proposal. Our client agreed, and we were therefore instructed to lodge an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate and, with the support of Context Planning, we have now secured planning permission.

The proposed scheme includes an accessible bedroom and studio at the ground floor, providing the much-needed additional space required for our client and their intergenerational living arrangement.

The street scene and immediate context of the house is characterised by ashlar, rubble stone and slate roofs. Each house in the development is a mirror of its neighbour and therefore our proposal aimed to respect this, whilst also meeting our client’s needs.

From the street, the extension aims to be ‘hidden’. The existing garden wall is proposed to become the external wall of the extension, with the additional wall height formed in timber to conceive an appearance much like a simple garden fence.

It has been a long process and our (very patient!) client is now looking forward to getting the project onsite – as are we!


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