Listed Building extension
Keynsham, Bristol
20 sqm
Rear extension for a Listed Building

All I can say is thank you!
You guys have done an amazing job.
- Joe
When our clients purchased this Grade II Listed Building it was in desperate need of repair and care. Our clients acquired the property with the vision of improving its overall state, particularly focussing on the kitchen.
The design responds to the very tight and challenging site, making the most of the views whilst improving the privacy of the neighbours. The extension respects the Listed Building, with very little intervention other than restorations and repairs.
There is a difference of roughly 1.5 meters between the main house and the rear garden. The new extension sits at garden level, resulting in a very interesting change in levels between the sitting room and new kitchen and dining area.
The extension, clad in timber, acts as a replacement of the existing timber fence that divides our client’s and the neighbour’s gardens.
The end result has completely transformed the space. What once was an unusable dark and damp kitchen is now a light and airy space with generous heights and great views which are maintained from the existing living room. Our clients are self-builders and the project is still on-going but we will update the final result as soon as it is completed.

What our clients say...
All I can say is thank you! Thank you both so much for all of your hard work. It’s unreal , I can’t shake my beaming smile since reading your mail.
You guys have have done an amazing job. I hope you’re as pleased as we are.
I’m on route to pick up the champagne now. "
Joe - Client